


Laura Dixon

The flexibility of the BigTranslation Platform allows me to organise my translation work along with other commitments including interpreting for public and private services.

Michalis Sifakis

BigTranslation is a highly professional and internationally recognized translation company, with very competitive prices and challenging projects.

Valentina Sarno

With BigTranslation, I found a place of peace and agreeableness: all project managers without fail, and all communications, are always delightful, without stress.

BigTranslation确保译员都具备专业领域的背景知识,因此您的翻译是完全被译员所理解的。我们的员工是我们成功的关键。 我们深知这一事实也很自豪我们和团队的每一位成员保持密切的工作关系。认识到这一点,我们为内部员工和自由译员设计了一系列激励措施,确保他们保持积极性变得更专业。

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