







3. 服务。




对于转录服务,我们尝试仔细翻译客户要我们转录的音频文件的书面版本,并时时将其信息视为绝对机密。 BigTranslation将检查其视频的内容,并决定是否接受该项目,因为其中许多的噪音将妨碍一个良好的转录。

4. 用户的义务






5. 项目和订单。


要被翻译的项目内容将通过我们的平台,由客户以及翻译所需的任何支持文件所提供。该内容必须是准确的,尊重BigTranslation的格式,并且不受任何病毒感染或加密。 BigTranslation将对项目文件中可能包含的任何错误一概不负责。




6. 交付项目。




7. 付款方式和结算。








所有对BigTranslation发出的订单均符合目前的西班牙和社区法规以及所有其他的法律规定。 BigTranslation具有社区内增值税和税务识别号码,居住在欧盟任何国家/地区,持有增值税号码的客户所做的所有订单都将免交增值税。然而,我们的系统在其VIES平台上验证此增值税号码是至关重要的。拥有西班牙帐单地址的客户将在发出订单时被收取相应的增值税。



8. 知识产权。



虽然BigTranslation尽力确保本网站内容的精确性和准确性,但它可能会包含错误或不准确之处。因此,我们不能保证其内容的真挚,可靠性或准确性。 BigTranslation拒绝对通过链接与BigTranslation的网页连接的第三方网站上的信息承担任何的责任。在任何的情况下,BigTranslation都不会对因使用本网站而产生或与之相关的任何损害或损失负起责任。在您未能遵守这些条件或者未经事先授权下使用本网站的内容而导致的任何损害,BigTranslation必须获得赔偿。

9. 保密


我们的翻译员与BigTranslation有一个保密协议,以确保信息的处理是一致的。 BigTranslation平台具有数字证书(SSL),用于对用户进行身份验证,并通过识别密钥对文档交换进行加密。

10. 客户的责任。


  1. 按照这些条款和条件下对其声明、担保和义务的任何违反。
  2. 客户或其助理、雇员、承包商或代理人的任何疏忽,故意或鲁莽行为。
  3. 按照适用的法律和法规下对其义务不遵守以及那些不行使权利的人。

11. 适用的法律与司法管辖权。




In compliance with Legislation 34/2002 of 11 July relating to the information society and electronic commerce services, and in accordance with the requirements of Article 10 of the abovementioned legislation, BigTranslation notifies you of the following information: the owner of this website is Big Translation Agency, S.L., their NIF/CIF (company tax code)is: B40532194. Business Register for Valencia. Volume: 10566. Folio: 149. Sheet: 184299, and their business address is: Paret del Patriarca, 15. Post Code: 46113. Locality: Moncada. Province: Valencia. The email address for contacting the company is: info@bigtranslation.com


BigTranslation recognises the importance of protecting the privacy and rights of their Clients and guarantees the correct processing of their data with the utmost respect for the current legislation.

Through its WEBSITE, BigTranslation, henceforth the website administrator, provides information about its services and online management, such as offering the possible purchase of these. Due to the content and purpose of the WEBSITE, any person that wants to contract its services will do so in the capacity of a client, and the service will be acquired by completing the REGISTRATION form.

If only visiting the WEBSITE, users/clients do not provide any personal information and are not required to do so

Users/clients agree to browse through the WEBSITE and use its contents in good faith.

In compliance with what is established in the General Regulations for the Protection of Data-EU-2016/679, approved by the European Parliament and Council on 27 April 2016, we inform you that the completion of any form on the WEBSITE or the sending of an email to any of our mailboxes implies acceptance of this privacy policy, as well as giving the website administrator the authorisation to process the personal data that you provide, which will be incorporated into the file owned by the Data Controller and/or the website administrator registered at the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD).

Client data will be used for sending out via email, any online or physical management carried out by the website administrator, such as the delivery of purchases. BigTranslation places at the client’s disposal the ability to assign different mailing addresses to different types of communication, or the rejection of these communications if they are not deemed as necessary.

The website administrator commits to maintaining the maximum possible discretion and confidentiality in relation to the information/documents to be translated or proofread, and to use these only for the purposes indicated

The website administrator will assume that the information has been entered by its owner or by persons authorised by him/her, and that it is correct and accurate.

The data will be entered into an automated file which is the responsibility of the BigTranslation website administrator, with the aim of facilitating, streamlining and complying with the agreement established between both parties. Additionally, BigTranslation informs you of your rights to access, allowing the website user to ascertain what personal data the website administrator holds, and if this data is stored, a reply will be sent within 30 days. Rectification, allows the rectification of any errors, the amendment of inaccurate or incomplete data and guarantee the accuracy of the information; Objection, may be requested and may lead to the removal of the data; Erasure, allows any inappropriate or excessive data to be erased; Restriction, by which a request can be made to restrict the processing of your data. When you have exercised your right to the amendment of your personal data, and its portability, so that the user can obtain a copy of the personal data they have provided on the website with the objective of passing it on to other services, these rights can be exercised directly through the My Account section on the WEBSITE or by initiating a claim through the contact section, also including a photocopy of the Identity Card or alternative documentation to confirm your identity.

As long as you do not communicate with us otherwise, we will assume that your data has not been amended, that you will notify us of any changes and that we have your consent to use this to promote the relationship between both parties.

Sending your data through the forms on our website is subject to the mandatory reading/acceptance of the General and Privacy Conditions and consent given via the obligatory check box at the end of the form.

In accordance with what is established by Legislation 34/2002, Article 21 relating to the Information Society and e-Commerce Services, we request your consent in order to send you advertising communications, by email or any other means of electronic communication, which we may consider to be of interest to you. Consent is given by clicking on the acceptance check box for the General and Privacy Conditions.

To amend or update their personal data, the client should go to the user area on the WEBSITE.

Because of this, the client is responsible for the truthfulness of their data and the website administrator is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the personal data of any client.

According to current legislation on data protection, the website administrator has adopted appropriate security levels for the data provided by clients and, furthermore, has installed the means and measures within his/her ability to avoid the loss, inappropriate use, alteration, unauthorised access and removal of these.

BigTranslation informs users of its websites that we are committed to confidentiality relating to the personal data collected by the company through the forms on our websites. This commitment will continue even after our business or contractual relationship has been completed, and on no account will we make the personal data of our visitors and clients of our website public without their consent. Minors below 13 years of age cannot give their consent for a business to collect and process their personal data, and for this reason, the registration on our website of minors under 13 years of age is expressly forbidden.

The Data Protection Delegate (DPD) is; GRUPO QUALIA dpd@grupoqualia.net


The website administrator possesses the highest commercially available security measures within the sector. Additionally, the payment process is managed through a secure server using the SSL protocol. The secure server establishes a connection in a way that the information is transmitted in coded format as 128 bit algorithms, which ensures that it is only intelligible and understood by the client’s computer and that of the WEBSITE. In this way, using the SSL protocol guarantees:

1. That the client is communicating their data to the website administrator’s service centre and not to any other website that may attempt to impersonate it.

2. That the transmitted data will be encrypted between the client and the website administrator’s service centre, avoiding any potential access or being read by third parties.


BigTranslation, complies with the current regulations for the Protection of Data and with the LSSI-CE (the Internet Society and e-Commerce Services Act), and has been assessed for compliance of these regulations by GRUPO QUALIA, for which it has received the respective certificates in digital image formats so that they can be displayed on the website.


Seals of approval are hallmarks given to online stores to demonstrate their quality and security regarding online sales.

To acquire the seal of approval, companies are audited or evaluated to verify that they comply with the criteria for sales security and are legally compliant in matters relating to consumer privacy and data protection.

Stores that possess a seal of approval are bound to a code of conduct and tend to offer consumers alternative procedures for resolving conflicts in a straightforward, fast and comfortable manner.

BigTranslation is not responsible for the content of the websites that the user may access through links established on its websites, and declares that on no account will it examine or exercise any type of control over the content of other websites on the internet.

Additionally, it will not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, truthfulness, validity or legality of websites that it does not own, but which can be accessed through the links.

BigTranslation states that it has adopted all the necessary measures to avoid any damage that may arise from browsing through its website. As a consequence, BigTranslation cannot be held responsible on any account, for any damage that might be incurred by users while browsing the Internet.

BigTranslation is not responsible for harm or damage of type experienced by the User which is caused by failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks which leads to the suspension, cancellation, installation or interruption of the website service during the provision of the service or prior to this.

Access to the website: www.bigtranslation.com does not imply an obligation for the company to control the absence of viruses or any other element which may harm the computer. In all cases, the user is responsible for having the appropriate tools to detect and disinfect harmful computer programmes.

BigTranslation is not responsible for damage caused by computer equipment, documents and/or files owned by Users or third parties during the provision of the service.

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