Presupuesto Instantáneo

Aviso legal

This Legal Notice regulates the access, browsing and use of the website (hereafter the Website).

The conditions laid down in this Legal Notice shall by applicable by extension in the event that the company establishes specific conditions for the use and/or contracting of specific services.


In accordance with the duty of information referred to in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the Website belongs to the Company, BigTranslation (BigTranslation Agency SL), a commercial company formed in accordance with Spanish legislation, with CIF (Tax ID) B40532194 and registered office at Av. Paret del Patriarca 15, 46113 Moncada, Valencia, Spain.

You may contact us using the following email address


Access and/or use of the Website attributes you the condition of user and, as a result of this access and/or use, you accept this Legal Notice.


The Website may provide access to a large number of texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information (hereafter, «Contents») belonging to the company or to third parties that the User may have access to.

The user assumes liability for his/her use of the Website. This liability extends to the registration that, where appropriate, is necessary to access Contents or services provided by the Website.

The User undertakes to make proper use of the Contents and services offered through the Website including, but not limited to, not using them to (i) engage in illicit, illegal or activities contrary to good faith and public order; (ii) cause damage to the physical and logical systems of the owner of the Website, its suppliers or third parties, (iii) introduce or disseminate computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause the aforementioned damage.


The contents of this website, including, amongst other things, images, logos, graphics, animations and texts, irrespective of their format, as well as the domain name are the property of the Owner. In the case of the services for sale, the Owner has obtained authorisation for their use. These contents are protected by international laws and treaties regarding intellectual and industrial property, as well as the regulatory policy of the domain names.

The use of links to this website are permitted provided that they do not damage the image and interests of the Owner and in all formats or mediums.


The links that appear on this website are provided for the purpose of extending the information. Their inclusion does not imply acceptance of those contents, or the Owner’s association with the controllers of these websites and, consequently, the Owner shall not accept any liability in relation to them, or for the harm they may cause for any reason to your computer system, documents or files.

The Owner does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of this website or of its contents due to technical, security or control reasons or maintenance of the service; due to failures attributable to the server that hosts the contents or to other intermediaries or providers; due to attacks against the computer system; or for any other reason derived from any cause beyond its control. Consequently, it shall be exempt from any liability, direct or indirect, in relation to them.


The conditions of this Legal Notice shall be in force until they are modified. BigTranslation can make these changes and shall communicate them to the User.

BigTranslation may delete, add or change both the contents and the services it provides, in addition to the way in which they are located or presented. The conditions that are published at the time the User accesses the BigTranslation Website shall be understood to be in force.

By accessing and/or using the Website, the user shall be deemed to have accepted the conditions of this Legal Notice and, where appropriate, the changes made to them.


To use our website, the use of cookies is required. Cookies are used for a variety of purposes (measuring the service, tracking sales, targeted marketing, etc.). If you wish, you can adjust your browser so you are warned on screen about the receipt of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on your hard drive. Please check your browser’s instructions and manuals for more information.


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